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About us

Career guarantee

Gladstar Gifted and Talented School provide an enriched specialized school program via educational software/online platform that enhances development of critical, creative, leadership and entrepreneurial skills along with the core competencies in children within age 10 to 35 as close to their homes as possible.

GGTS Design team


Gladstar Gifted and Talented School is a school for “gifted” and talented students. All students at Gladstar Gifted and Talented School receive tailored instruction designed around the core principles of gifted education: identifying students’ talents, enhancing curricula, differentiating assignments to ability, and providing enrichment opportunities.

GGTS Board member and student

History and Contact

Established on: August 5,2013

CAC Registration No: 2268525

EIN : 981543462

Phone; +12674406217

Email: [email protected]

Address: 269 Lagos Abeokuta Expressway Okeodo Lagos Nigeria.

United Nation Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation
United Nation Major Groups on Children and Youth
Nigeria Network of Non-governmental Organizations.
West Africa Civil Society Institute
The Educational Partnership Centre,Lagos.
1EdTech Consortium
Merlot Consortium